Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Dah lama xon9..huhu.and almost one month tak wat blog.well al maklum la bz ngan training..well actually byk benda nak citer tapi aku pendekkan ye..
Well on d first day training,ok la..mcm nerd2 la skit kan..skema je.lepas 2 lama kelamaan jadi best training ni,blajar pasal induction, rules n regulations,grooming class, IMPACT..n now tgh blajar communication skills.sounds boring kan,but actually itz fun becoz instructors die best2 n funny!n makes that class interesting.
Byk benda la aku blajar..itz not juz about how we going to serve people but also to learn about courtesy..tak kira la sama ade kat tempat keje or kat luar..only dat people will respect us.
Org slalu ingat nak jadi stewardess senang je...but not really.N org selalu ingat jadi stewardess main serve org je..but u guys r wrong.we learn a lot of things..i can be a nurse,i can b a waitress,i can be a tourist guide cos of the info that we had.n we also do have exams..baru2 ni ade part1 exam pasal ape yg kitorg dah blajar n thank god i examination will be next tuesday plak,kitorg kena wat announcement on board.hopefully i pass coz if not im not allow to do any announcement on board n might be difficult for me in the future to get promoted.
So people who likes to deal with people,try to join as a cabin crew..itz fun n u guys can absorb a lot of info(wah..promote ni)..
One thing yg aku takot skrg ni if i fail safety exam,then i'll be terminate from being cabin crew so guys pray for me k..
Actually ade byk lagi gmbr but aku masukkan nanti dlm entry baru ye..Enjoy the pictures!

dis in my new image with short hair..hehe
Friday, November 28, 2008
Bubye Penang..

Ok..org2 yg aku akn rindu..of coz my family..then will b my friends..especially wanie,mas n aliaa..gonna miss u guys..but at least aliaa leh gak jumpe coz she's staying at shah alam(study)..mas pun rajin turun kL but still susah nak jumpe minah ni coz sentiasa sibuk(bakal usahawan berjaya..hehe)..n wanie..dont wori.aku akn kerap blk penang tuk temankan hg k beb!hehe..sape lagi ye..n of coz my sisters ms ho n kak fiza(my guarantor) :p..n of coz all my frenz yg mengenali diri ini..muax muax..luv all..xoxo.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Convo! (22/11/08)
kL nak mengupdate blog coz lat week the whole week ade d kL.actually xde story sgt,juz nak mengupdate blog.hehe..enjoy the pics!


*btw sumthing happen on dat day but no matter wat..i still luv u aliaa..Frenship 4ever.

*lepak putrajaya ngan wanie&ziela
*Lepak OU with my bestfren Aliaa & her friends
*lepak sunway lagoon & sunway pyramid wit wanie :).yg best nye..kitorg smp sunway lagoon dlm kul 4 sempat main roller coaster je..huhu..waste rm48 juz for dat sbb hr 2 tetiba hujan plus sunway lagoon only open till 6pm..huhu..sedih :'(
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Farewell to me!
Best nye hari ni..mane tak nye mkn FREE..haha!hari ni uncle n the geng plak belanja aku mkn...sedap giler!my fav plak 2..TOMYAM..n the dessert is the best..thanks to u guys,bwk i g mkn2.hehe..evendo keje 6 months je,sanggup wat farewell ye..(farewell ke??haha).apepun thanks again,i reali appreciate it..takkan ku lupa kenangan ini..wah!haha..enjoy the pics!
*lampu ni cantik giler!!

*Serabut tak entry aku kali ni.haha..biar la..weeeeee.....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Day
Entry kali ni nak citer pasal ape ye..
Ok we start by waktu lunch hari ni..lunch hr ni g mkn ngan my lovely ofismates kak fiza n ms ho from HR dept.y i kol them lovely is becos they looked very cute together.haha...tak caya mai tgk sendiri..they like to laugh,borak2,tease people n of coz keje still jln..hehe.ok,back to the ni aku kena paksa belanja diorg mkn,haha!no lah,dgn kerelaan hati aku belanja diorg mkn since dis friday going to b my last day at ape salah nye bwk diorg g mkn,lgpun biler lagi kitorg g mkn kat Mcd.lupa nak snap pics.huhu..(sedih....)
Wat is the best thing today is to looked at their faces when i gave sumthing to them today..i bought each of them a blanket n itz so cute..n they looked so happy with my gift..(glad dat they like it).

Mlm plak g mkn kat Route 69..i eat grilled lamb chop,giler liat n susah giler nak potong..better kat tempat satu lagi aku g mkn sebelum ni..haih.dah la tingin nak mkn,jadi cmni plak.sampai naik kebas tgn aku potong lamb 2..huhu.(lupa nak snap pic lamb 2 sebab terlalu lapar..)

Oh ya,terlupa plak..sebelum g mkn tadi..aku sempat ke SSF..g beli mug for the Hr Manager En Azhar..which i kol him je membeli since aku ni gatai suke beli hadiah kat org..huhu.xpe la,janji smua hepi..hope u guys like it!kalo tak suke ddk diam2 tau.hehe..daa~
Ok we start by waktu lunch hari ni..lunch hr ni g mkn ngan my lovely ofismates kak fiza n ms ho from HR dept.y i kol them lovely is becos they looked very cute together.haha...tak caya mai tgk sendiri..they like to laugh,borak2,tease people n of coz keje still jln..hehe.ok,back to the ni aku kena paksa belanja diorg mkn,haha!no lah,dgn kerelaan hati aku belanja diorg mkn since dis friday going to b my last day at ape salah nye bwk diorg g mkn,lgpun biler lagi kitorg g mkn kat Mcd.lupa nak snap pics.huhu..(sedih....)
Wat is the best thing today is to looked at their faces when i gave sumthing to them today..i bought each of them a blanket n itz so cute..n they looked so happy with my gift..(glad dat they like it).

Mlm plak g mkn kat Route 69..i eat grilled lamb chop,giler liat n susah giler nak potong..better kat tempat satu lagi aku g mkn sebelum ni..haih.dah la tingin nak mkn,jadi cmni plak.sampai naik kebas tgn aku potong lamb 2..huhu.(lupa nak snap pic lamb 2 sebab terlalu lapar..)

Oh ya,terlupa plak..sebelum g mkn tadi..aku sempat ke SSF..g beli mug for the Hr Manager En Azhar..which i kol him je membeli since aku ni gatai suke beli hadiah kat org..huhu.xpe la,janji smua hepi..hope u guys like it!kalo tak suke ddk diam2 tau.hehe..daa~

Saturday, November 8, 2008
hemm...nape kwn akan wujud biler kita diperlukan sj..kalo tak,harap la,batang hidung pun xnampak..biler susah cari kita,biler senang..harap la.jgn harap kwn akan cr kita.
Kalo wujud kawan baru,kawan lama ditinggalkan..itu ke yg dipanggil 'kwn'.takpe la,aku kena fhm,sape la aku dlm hidup diorg..nama pun kwn je..bkn nye sape2 pun.bkn la nak mengata sape2 kan tapi sape mkn cili die ar rasa pedas.
dlm hidup ni sesibuk mane pun org tu,kita still perlukan kwn tuk hiburkan kita,betul tak??lain la org tu dah ade gf/bf,leh ar hiburkan gf/bf masing2.ntah la,nape ade wujud kawan cmni ye..biar la,biar die hepi ngan 'kwn baru' die 2..takyah la susah2 cr kawan lama die..biar satu hr nanti die akan sedar..
hemm...nape kwn akan wujud biler kita diperlukan sj..kalo tak,harap la,batang hidung pun xnampak..biler susah cari kita,biler senang..harap la.jgn harap kwn akan cr kita.
Kalo wujud kawan baru,kawan lama ditinggalkan..itu ke yg dipanggil 'kwn'.takpe la,aku kena fhm,sape la aku dlm hidup diorg..nama pun kwn je..bkn nye sape2 pun.bkn la nak mengata sape2 kan tapi sape mkn cili die ar rasa pedas.
dlm hidup ni sesibuk mane pun org tu,kita still perlukan kwn tuk hiburkan kita,betul tak??lain la org tu dah ade gf/bf,leh ar hiburkan gf/bf masing2.ntah la,nape ade wujud kawan cmni ye..biar la,biar die hepi ngan 'kwn baru' die 2..takyah la susah2 cr kawan lama die..biar satu hr nanti die akan sedar..
Friday, October 31, 2008
Which One??

Adui..becoz of towel, kepala ku sakit..xtau nak pilih yg mane..huhu..last2 beli dua2 skali..but i still need to make a choice coz my mum nak,cause i love both,my mum bought both towels and let me choose..kiranye aku ade byk masa la tuk wat desicion..haha.pandai tul mak aku ni..wat aku lagi confius..huhu..i more prefer the purple colour..wat do u guys think??
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tag by Adamluba
Kena tag ngan adam..
*btw adam..nina br berkesempatan nak wat ni.sowwi la kalo sebelum ni nina tak wat..jgn mare ye.
1. Take a screenshot of your desktop without moving/closing any of the windows.
2. tag 5 people

so since aku tau adam tag la page aku bkk then trus snap pic..haha.
Since aku tak byk kwn so aku tak tag sape2..hehe.
*btw adam..nina br berkesempatan nak wat ni.sowwi la kalo sebelum ni nina tak wat..jgn mare ye.
1. Take a screenshot of your desktop without moving/closing any of the windows.
2. tag 5 people

so since aku tau adam tag la page aku bkk then trus snap pic..haha.
Since aku tak byk kwn so aku tak tag sape2..hehe.
Jamuan Raya
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