My next trip is Shanghai..sejuk kot..aku check td..7 celcius kot.tomoro is my flight,will be back on thursday.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Juz came back from Beijing,man,guess wat..i didnt expect dat Beijing going to b so cold..-4celcius kot,ngan snowing..giler sejuk!tak best sbb dpt pegang salji..hehe.ingat plan nak kuar,tp since sejuk sgt,kuar g mkn je nearby our hotel.n guess wat 2,i didnt bring any top coat or terpaksa la pinjam my crew pny time take dis as a lesson for me.gmbr?as usual..xde gmbr sgt..selalu lupa nak je yg ade.gmbr aku tgkp masa otw nak ke hotel..;p .jpg)
Next trip is sibu..btw aku xjadi mutual ke colombo..since i got sumthing to do dis few months..i got one shocking news to all.hehe..tunnggguuu...
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